Raised on a steady diet of Godzilla and Bob Ross, I spent my early years as an egg gathering, BMX riding, side-arm throwing lefty in a small Massachusetts town.

My mother was a school teacher and an artist. From her, I learned to seek answers and to dream. My father was a plumber and a furniture builder. From him, I developed mechanical sensibilities and an appreciation for the details and processes. Together they left me with a belief that the why and the how always go hand in hand.

In my twenties I explored the country framing houses, trying suit and tie jobs, bartending, plumbing, writing, you name it. While friends dove into their professional lives, I changed states and careers like they were socks. But I never worried about how my nomadic ways would all turn out. Eventually, I discovered that all of my varied experiences and creative energy made me a perfect fit for advertising.

Beginning as a writer, then art director, and eventually creative director, I worked my way through the ranks of the industry. During a lengthy stay at the Discovery Channel, I collaborated with many of the industry’s most talented photographers and directors while creating memorable campaigns and promos. It was there that I got a taste for directing. 

After a successful decade in advertising, I refocused my career and launched Grand Optimist. However, unlike most video production agencies, my advertising background helps me to understand the business concerns of clients and the need for films to not only inspire, but to create actionable results.

I have helped shape the creative for Reebok, General Electric, Solidworks, Discovery Channel and many other successful brands.